How do you know when opioids become a problem?


Opioid overdoses rose almost 30% in 2020, claiming over 92,000 lives. However, as I wrote in my Newsweek article in July, the vast majority of people are on the path towards an overdose for many years before reaching the point where they are most at risk. For this year’s International Opioid Overdose Awareness Week, I put together a brief 14-minute presentation about the current state of the opioid epidemic, and how you can tell if you or a loved one may have a problem with opioids.

If you’re feeling trapped, please know there are many resources available to help! There is a 24/7 national hotline available at 800-662-HELP (4357), and your medical or psychological care team is also ready to assist if you open up to them. And of course, you’re also welcome to e-mail me at and I’m happy to connect you with resources local to you.

If you need help, more information is available on my website related to working with me for online addiction counseling for opioids – in addition to my concierge therapy practice, I also have a small in-network practice with Equipoise Teletherapy in Chicago. I also provide non-clinical parent coaching services upon request. For any other questions, please feel free to reach out to me directly!


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