Nicotine Vapes are Increasing in Strength

Two large studies came out in the past month examining how nicotine potency has increased in vapes (up 76% in the past 5 years). 

Here’s what they found:

  • Between January 2017–March 2022, monthly average nicotine strength of e-cigarette products increased from 2.5% to 4.4%, an average of 0.8% per month.  The greatest rate of increase was for disposables (1.26% per month).

  • 90% of disposable vapes have >5% nicotine

  • 96% of “other” flavored vapes (including fruit and candy flavors) have > 5% nicotine

  • 87% of mint vapes have > 5% nicotine

  • 61.3% of tobacco-flavored vapes were >5% nicotine, the lowest category (and the one least appealing to teens)

  • The share of the vape market with > 5% nicotine strength increased by 1486.3%

Some of the authors suggest that we should cap the maximum nicotine strength allowed in vapes so this doesn’t continue.  I think this sounds like a marvelous idea.


Study 1

Study 2


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